Once upon a time, there was sloth princess named Lori. She had three little sloth brothers. Their names were Hamish, Harris, and Hubert. Those little rascals would get away with anything. Lori didn't like being a sloth princess. But one day every year she didn't have to be a sloth princess. She could do and act however she liked. This time she decided she would ride her pet donkey, Jem,  into the mountains. She climbed rock towers, played in waterfalls, and sat under the sunset with Jem.They were the best of friends. She rode back home and entered her castle for dinner. That evening her mother told her that she was to be married soon. They would hold a contest for the first born of the three other nations. She was very angry. So she decided that she would enter the contest for her own hand in marriage. The day came were the contest was held and she chose archery for her contest. All three men competed. The first two did poorly. But the last did well. So next she crept up to the Starting line and shot. The arrow zoomed through the air and into the center of the target. She had won. Her mother was very upset with her. They argued and argued when she tore (on purposely) the quilt that her mother had made. Her mother was so angered she through Lori's Bow and arrow into the burning fire and burnt it. Lori galloped of on Jem into the forest. Jem was spooked and threw Lori of and into the middle of stone hedge. Then suddenly Lori saw a wisp and followed the trail with Jem. It led to a witches house and Lori got a spell to change her mother. Later that day she  fed the pie spell to her mother and turned into a JAGUAR!!! Lori was very afraid she carefully crept her mother out of the castle and went back to find the witch, but she only found that she was gone. It was up to Lori to save her mother. Luckily, the witch left a hint, "Fate be changed, look inside. Mend the bond, torn by pride". Lori tried hard to get back to the torn quilt. She crept back in to the castle. Lori grabbed the blanket, found the boys, and galloped away on Jem to go save her mother, who was in grave danger by the king who was great jaguar hunter. Lori had never stitched so fast in her life! Finally they were there. She threw the blanket over the jaguar and save her mother.

                                                             The End
                                            This is the sloth version of Brave.

             February"s issue will be about how we can save the rainforest easily every day